
Jean Laurent Grey - France

“The camp is a parody of our modern society, monstrous and pushed to the limit.“

1924 born in Gières near Grenoble (France); his father is director of a trading company in Grenoble, his mother runs a pension

1940-1943 attends the „Lycée Champollion“ in Grenoble

since 1941 together with his class mates he joins the resistance movement

since September 1943 starts studying law at the university of Grenoble

November 1943 arrested after a demonstration against the German occupation; transport to the transit camp Compiègne (district Oise)

March 1944 deportation to Mauthausen, where he works in the quarry; after a few weeks he manages to be taken to the camp hospital where he stays for four months

November 1944 transfer to the branch camp Melk, there forced labour in the tunnels

April 1945 evacuation to Mauthausen because of the advance of the Red Army

28. April 1945 Jean Grey leaves Mauthausen for Switzerland with a repatriation transport of the International Committee of the Red Cross

August 1945 returns to Grenoble and resumes his studies in law

since 1950 teacher in a secondary school in the district of Isère; marriage

since 1966 takes part in the foundation and operation of the „Musée de la résistance et de la déportation“ in Grenoble

since 1970s works for correspondence course institution until his retirement 

At the time of the interview, Jean Laurent Grey lived in Seyssins near Grenoble (France)

He died on 28 November 2016 in La Tronche