
Obituary for Ingo Scheschner


Obituary for Ingo Scheschner
Ingo Scheschner (photo credits: Stephan Matyus)

From Berlin we have received the sad information that Ingo Scheschner, a friend of the Mauthausen Memorial of long standing, has passed away.

Ingo Scheschner was committed since 1970 in the framework of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. [German War Graves Commission] among others in an honorary capacity with the Mauthausen Memorial, and in this context rendered outstanding services particularly in practical work with young people. In the framework of this activity, he tasked himself, in these very times of increasing right-wing radicalism, with communicating the German past to young people and providing them with practical guidance.

In 2010, he was awarded the silver medal of honour by the municipality Mauthausen.

We mourn Ingo Scheschner.